Some thoughts from a colleague
Well, of course on-line learning is going to take over.
Not just because the RCGP has got some enormous DoH contract to write the silly stuff.
But as you will know, university lecturers and schoolteachers have been made redundant in their droves, so effective is online learning.
It’s especially good for teaching teamwork skills, moral reasoning, and communication skills.
We’ll all be out of a job by next Christmas.
Humbug, even.
More seriously, as someone increasingly able to look back on decades of educational development, it is wonderful to see how every 5 to 10 years, a new technology appears which is absolutely going to solve all educational problems, whatever they may be.
1960: setting behavioural objectives programmed texts
1965: teaching machines (tape slide)
1970: audio tape cassettes
1975: video tape cassettes
1980: video discs
1985: CDs
1990: computers
2000: the internet
2005: integrated CBI
All of these have attracted hordes of enthusiasts and lodsa govt money. And the result?
But it gives boys something to do.
1 comment:
Whatever, Online learning is taking over because of even online we can know the university lecturers and schoolteachers have been made redundant in their droves, so effective is online learning.
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